Client: Hepburn Shire Council
Year: 2013
PublicArt Works was engaged by Hepburn Shire Council to develop the curatorial concept for The Lindsay Art Trail. This required design and documentation of public art, landscape design and interpretative concepts at 25 key sites. Based on the gold rush town’s heritage as home to the famous Norman Lindsay family of artists, it was conceived as an economic development and cultural tourism project initiated by Hepburn Shire Council. As lead consultant with signage and landscape designers, Armsign and Landsite, and Rebecca Townsend of Creative Road, we produced a suite of art-sign-urban elements, with an emphasis on long term, low maintenance, cost effective solutions.
Re-named, Creswick of the Lindsays, the project provides the little known heritage town of Creswick with an authentic and compelling tourism opportunity. The Lindsay family, born in Creswick in the 1800 and 1900’s produced more artists than any other family in our history. The five artists – Percy, Lionel, Norman, Ruby and Daryl – all significantly contributed to shaping the cultural landscape of Australia. Now interpretive artwork throughout the town will bring this eccentric and important family to life.
Design elements were carefully conceived to improve the amenity of Creswick‘s places, enhance local identity and enrich the cultural life of the community.
Rather than a map with sites joined by numbered dots, the design approach was a holistic, non linear one. PublicArt Works rewrote the trail interpretive material to enhance an experience which is integrated, more layered and accessible to diverse audiences – with a particular emphasis on the flexibility offered by smart phone technology. The result is a cultural tourism product with three key elements – the walked experience, an audio tour using personal devices, and a printed map (for those not yet plugged in!).
Design elements produced in consultation with key stakeholders include:
- Landscape streetscape features/improvements
- Interpretive signage
- Artworks integrated with interpretive signage
- Art seating & street sculptural elements
- Two dimensional graphic and hand painted street art elements
- Marketing & Style guide
Public Art Strategy
Creswick of the Lindsays artwork program was guided by the following principles:
- A focus on activating the main street & the visitor centre site
- Production of a suite of art-sign-urban elements
- Engaging artists in efficient ways
- Infusing all built elements with an artistic component
- Emphasis on long term, low maintenance, cost effective solutions
- Staged approach to outcomes based on budget realities
- Creating professional opportunities for local artists where appropriate
Marketing Guide
“The marketing guide ensured the public art, signage and landscape proposals value added to town development and tourism objectives. We put forward affordable ideas to Council about marketing the project to young people, for example by incorporating a Melbourne graffiti artist, to market what might otherwise have been a project appealing to retirees and art lovers.”